
Search "user:lentopastel"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - problems with sound when starting a new game#7

@threatened said in #6: > Hello! Its very easy, but my settings is in spanish so i ́ll try to help you since english is not my language. > > First step: Go to > Second step: Click on the p…

Game analysis - Request new server analisis#3

thanks @Ishan-v , really helpfull to know that it is by design in that way.

Game analysis - Request new server analisis#1

I was typing a PGN game and in the middle of it I requested a server analisis just for curiosity. Then I fully transcribed the game but I dont know how to make the server to perfom another analisis. I…

General Chess Discussion - Whats better: The lastest Stockfish or deep Blue?#4

desktop PC + Stockfish surpassed deep blue a long time ago. Deep Blue–Kasparov result was: 31⁄2–21⁄2. Today it is expected 6-0 against anyone. Carlsen said he doesnt play computers because it is depre…

Lichess Feedback - Bug report: Premove on a capture#3

That is the risk of premove. It is canceled only if the move became ilegal with your opponent's next move.

Lichess Feedback - Make "bookmark" or "favorite" game button always visible#6

Further more, as the star shapped button only shows when you hover with the mouse, it does not show in a cellular browser, losin that functionality.

Lichess Feedback - Make "bookmark" or "favorite" game button always visible#5

@StingerPuzzles , I do not understand what are you saying. I may not express myself well. My suggestion is that the star-shaped bookmark button to be always visible TO ME. Why? because if it is not vi…

Lichess Feedback - Make "bookmark" or "favorite" game button always visible#1

I wished lichess have "favorite" button, to mark games that are remarkable to me, or those that I would like to study latter, but I didn't find anything. So I searched the internet to see how could I …

General Chess Discussion - A Commanding Performance#22

To me the best thing of the lichess titled arena is the @chess-network coverage. They use to mention his stream in the main post. Anyway, if you didnt see the tournament live, you can rewatch with his…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess titled Arena Suggestion chess960 1minute#2

I am not sure if you know, but there was just a Titled Arena 960. It was 3 + 2. Link to blog post:
