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6 forum posts
Game analysis - Help me, I lost this ending.#6

He has chances but it is very hard. Saying this from experience.

FM l8pawn
Game analysis - Help me, I lost this ending.#3

In this opening as Black you are not supposed to trade off all the pieces because you have doubled pawns on the queenside. Because of this the endgame is lost.

FM l8pawn
Lichess Feedback - 1943 + 9 = 1932 ?#2

I Think your rating on the 11th was 1923

FM l8pawn
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Lichess Feedback - I didnt leave the game!!!#3

oof Feels Bad. That has happened to me before

FM l8pawn
Crazyhouse World Championship - Crazyhouse Olympiad#124

I am USA

FM l8pawn