
Search "user:kudzu12"

31 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why do people make 2+ accounts?#18

Simple, one for playing berserk, another without it. So you don't get ratings messed. But as lichess implemented "timesteal" feature (do not confuse with timeseal), who wants to play real 1 0 or below…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess connection problems#3

Yes, and i have posted a lot of feedback on that topic. And it affects even wider spectrum of connection problems. One more detailed description of happenings is here:…

Lichess Feedback - continually disconnecting#16

@Meguru-Bachira said in #15: > By the way Sometimes I can play without lag. But! Sometimes when game starts it says *reconnecting* . And I lose the game because of it. Or while playing. For these "som…

Lichess Feedback - continually disconnecting#13

@Meguru-Bachira said in #12: > In tracert it says time out too But, you can write here as we see. what it tells you here? So can you play or not?

Lichess Feedback - continually disconnecting#10

@Meguru-Bachira said in #9: > When I say tracert > It stuck and gave the time out error in 6 th line > When I type tracert > It stuck in 4th line and gave error time out …

Lichess Feedback - continually disconnecting#8

@Meguru-Bachira said in #7: > When I type in my cmd: ping -t > Its says timed out. > bruh Looks like you have problem on your connection, or somwhere in route to host. if you can pin…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent's move not registered, their clock kept ticking, I ended up losing on time somehow#9

@cashcow8 said in #8: > This seems to happen commonly on here and could be resolved with a better client. I don't know exactly how the client works at present but it must be possible for it to attempt…

Lichess Feedback - continually disconnecting#6

@Exwizard said in #1: > Is Lichess experiencing difficulties? I keep getting disconnected, but I've no problems with other websites. For diagnosing/solving, try this: if on windows platform, type in t…

Lichess Feedback - Message: "Black time out. Black is victorious"#7

Looks like another issue from series - similar to this one: Or in sh…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent's move not registered, their clock kept ticking, I ended up losing on time somehow#6

@YouWillLoseFight said in #4: > The cause it is your internet it's not a bug from lichess when u lose your internet your opponent's clock keeps on ticking and your clock is actually ticking. This is w…
