
Search "user:king_delicious"

30 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Zen mode button#1

Hi a couple of years back I asked about removing the green 'zen mode' button in the top left corner during zen mode. One of the mods was kind enough to provide a tampermonkey script which worked great…

Off-Topic Discussion - How are some people immortal#4

High level connections allow them to get their crimes washed away.

General Chess Discussion - How do I improve my chess?#2

Tactics problems. A little every day, make sure there's some checkmate ones in there. They show you how to win material and the power of mate threats. That's how you win games. Surely the best way for…

General Chess Discussion - Jewish Chess Players????????#13

Hey relax guys! Judaism is awesome. It's all about dem plants just like all the other religions!…

General Chess Discussion - How to Practice Mating More Quickly#5

Buy her flowers.

General Chess Discussion - Why is chess so amazing?#10

"Unlike other games in which lucre is the end and aim, [chess] recommends itself to the wise by the fact that its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honour. It is eminently and emphatically the…

Game analysis - I beat a player that has 1900+ points#10

Chess is a funny game. Plenty of times I've beaten a higher rated player with a game I was pleased with. Won by outplaying them in a full long satisfying game. Then I play a lower rated player and get…

Game analysis - how it was a draw!#2

3 fold repetition. Moves 36... Qf6+, 38... Qf6+, 43... Qf6+, all the same position.

Off-Topic Discussion - Should I vote for Bernie?#39

@Crapablanca64 "...but i think it shows a lack of character in Sanders for him not to disavow them." Because the more he disavows them the more times the concern tr*lls will demand that he do so over …

Off-Topic Discussion - Should I vote for Bernie?#24

@clousems a) Not obvious. You said you offered your honest opinion on Sanders, the sum total of which at this time was that he would be so bad for the economy you'd rather vote for Satan. Now your say…
