
Search "user:ivmchess"

32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is the Stonewall Defense lost as Black?#14

Yeah, I play that Qc2,Bf4,Bd3 g4 set up as white and I like it. David Cummings in his book on the English says that this set up as white has a winning percentage close to 80% on his database.

General Chess Discussion - The Maroczy Bind#14

@JARANDujo Chess structures by Rios has a very nice chapter on the bind and I highly recommend. The whole book is good. Introduces you to typical middlegame pawn structures, goes through plans for whi…

General Chess Discussion - Repeating exercises#2

I don't know if they meant to do that but I too like to redo puzzles, maybe not doing the puzzles the next day since it might be too early but if you get a bulk of puzzles (like 500 at least) and do t…

Lichess Feedback - a problem with firefox#2

I have the same problem and the things the devs will tell you is to get a better computer with updated software, that's why I just play on my phone.

Game analysis - A classical game#7

@jonesmh you're right, sorry

Game analysis - A classical game#5

@jonesmh I still think it's best. 8 dxe6 fxe6 9.Ng5 wins the e6 pawn immediately and I'm not thinking of an exchange of bishop on e6 , which would give him some chances because of the pawns. But 8.dxe…

Game analysis - A classical game#2

Move 8 you should have done 8.dxe6, 8.bg5 would have killed your advantage after ...e5, shutting in your bishop and closing the position. Move 15 instead of Bd3, Bd5 was better, hits the rook, tempts …

General Chess Discussion - ICCF#7

This chess was better years ago before computers when using your own mind in analysis was the thing, now it's just dumb.

Lichess Feedback - Teams#7

@Thengel I have the same bug too. You have to manually type in the page number in the url to go through the pages, example to see page 2: For page 3: https://liches…

General Chess Discussion - GM Ben Finegold and his hate on Magnus Carlsen#42

Maybe but for some reason, I have this image of old masters killing our current masters if they only had the same tools as our current masters have. Mainly I guess it has to do with analysis work, whi…
