
Search "user:humbll"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - tactics#2

the answer is to practice tactics, hover mouse over LEARN in top menu, click on PUZZLES and start solving tactics. Do this at least 15 minutes per day.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Look for an opponent within a range of your own rating#2

if you hover over PLAY in the top menu, then click CREATE GAME, a window pops up which allows you to use a slider to set the rating range among other parameters.

General Chess Discussion - I would like understand lichess tactics problems#2

you only lose puzzle rating points for incorrect solution. gain rating for correct solution, no time limit

General Chess Discussion - How many lichess tactics puzzle should I solve per day?#2

until you get tired and keep missing them

General Chess Discussion - Why don't people follow back??#3

i only follow very strong players, mostly titled ones. whats the point of following a weaker player and cluttering up the online friends box? if i had actual friends that played here i would follow th…

General Chess Discussion - Best way to improve for beginners?#4

Also on this site, up in the top menu, hover mouse over LEARN and click on practice and do the exercises in there. Every day you should also hover over LEARN and do some puzzles, those will help devel…

General Chess Discussion - Best way to improve for beginners?#2

There is a series of books by Yasser Serawein, a strong Grandmaster, its called Winning Chess. I would recommend picking these up, at least the Winning Chess Tactics one. I have the whole series and t…

General Chess Discussion - Are people cheating in casual?#3

I only play casual, never cheat. But if someone is a cheater then why would they restrict their cheating to rated games? There was this one opponent i had, i beat him 3 times in a row, easily. The nex…

General Chess Discussion - Any ideas as to why taking one rook is superior to taking the other in the fork from this puzzle#2

a knight on c7 cannot take a rook on f8. you might want to paste a link to the puzzle so we can look at it.

General Chess Discussion - Timing out in hopeless positions.#2

This happens on EVERY site i have ever played on. Lichess is the only site i know of that gives a penalty for doing this, if you notice in the chat box after the time runs out it will say "strivenmark…
