
Search "user:harperlewis"

30 forum posts
Game analysis - Small Advantage In A Petrov Ending#1

This is the game, a secondary Petrov when I was attempting to convert a pawn advantage in the ending. At one point I decided to keep a bishop leaving my opponent with a knight. As there were pawns on …

General Chess Discussion - If You Could Add One Thing To Lichess, What Would It Be?#18

Lichess would be even more Gold it there was a way to browse on your own games and treat them as a database and anotate and study them the way you can browse the Masters and the Lichess general databa…

General Chess Discussion - Any book for studying major piece engames ??#7

Recently a good book about major piece endings was recommended by Fide. It's written by Boris Gelfand and called, guess what:" Decision Making in Major Piece Endings".

General Chess Discussion - Can anyone share a rook endgame#7

Maybe you can find some interesting positoins here, it's 2R vs 2R from one of my games:

General Chess Discussion - Ragequitting means?#17

@Maxxxx12 maybe that is one reason shorter time control are more popular?

General Chess Discussion - Is a 1900 player a good chess player or Not#44

I think you have to consider there is a huge difference in the pool strength between blitz and rapid. Everyone here loves blitz, it's a far more competitive pool and it's quite harder to achieve ratin…

Lichess Feedback - Time out resulted in a draw#4

In your game against wg0906 your opponent runs out of time, you have unsufficient material to give mate in any possible way, therefore it's a draw.

General Chess Discussion - Ragequitting means?#4

@GreatBigTiger did you hear from a friend?

General Chess Discussion - I am a decently new chess player and I would like to have a real person analyze my game (Not ai)#13

@Lightknight10, I suggest analyzing games where you lost, as someone already noted here. You will gain much more insight with those.

General Chess Discussion - Discord and Chess#2

Why does playing here feel as playing against a bot? You mean because of the anonimity?
