
Search "user:fluffiergorgon"

38 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Nimzo indian for beginner/intermediate#4

#3 Yea, I have seen at higher level people avoid nimzo with stuff like 2. Nf3, but at like 1800 people mostly play into a nimzo or a london, but for the rare situation I get a 2. Nf3 line I'll either …

General Chess Discussion - Nimzo indian for beginner/intermediate#1

Is the nimzo indian good for beginner/intermediate (or just 1700-1800), not fully sure if I should learn it or not and I haven't actually gone in and studied what to do, I've just been playing what I …

General Chess Discussion - Novelties#6

#3 Thank you!

General Chess Discussion - Novelties#5

#2 Your brutally right, but to be fair to myself, I mainly just want to know the general rules to optimally punish a novelty, since I feel that playing how the opening would call for normally may not …

General Chess Discussion - Novelties#1

I play a few theoretical openings (yes, I know I probably shouldn't due to my lower rating, but I'm a few years too deep and its probably just best to keep playing them) , and I find a lot of times in…

General Chess Discussion - Stafford Gambit Declined#2

what if he just wanted something a little more solid like the petroff :(

General Chess Discussion - Opening theory#21

#18 us chumps who aren't titled would take any opening named after them, at least I would lol

General Chess Discussion - Opening theory#6

Tysm to everyone whose been replying and giving tips. Im starting to do more OTB chess, which made me practice a lot more puzzles from lichess and books, yet I still should probably do a bit more. I p…

General Chess Discussion - Opening theory#1

When should I start learning some deeper theory on openings. I made the semi mistake of learning a bit of the Sicilian (just like the first 5-ish moves and the ideas) which made me lose some rating at…

Game analysis - Losses#1

Ive started playing actual OTB chess in USCF tournaments now. In my first tournament I had started off amazing with 3 wins in a 5 round tournament. Then once the 4th round had started I had a very ann…
