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7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature suggestion: Block a user during broadcast chats.#1

The lack of a block feature in these large chats is really discouraging. I hope this is something that can get added at some point. Thank you.

General Chess Discussion - Tournament Prep Advice#5

Not so much chess advice as memory advice -- use the physical necessities of tournament play to help you manage what ever thinking plan / check list you use. For me - putting down my pen after notatio…

General Chess Discussion - When a player is clearly losing yet offers a draw...#5

Just decline. No point getting all het up about it.

General Chess Discussion - Why do not people play at their own pace?#6

I agree - it's frustrating. Don't accept long time controls if you're not willing to play long time controls.

Off-Topic Discussion - To Chess Club or Not to Chess Club?#7

Now that I can breathe again after that laughing fit, that video is .... I think that's all one can say about it. It is.

Off-Topic Discussion - To Chess Club or Not to Chess Club?#3

I clubbed, and it was good.

Off-Topic Discussion - To Chess Club or Not to Chess Club?#1

I could go to the club tonight. I could keep computer chessing. No rated play available - purely social. What to do??
