
Search "user:epoch87"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Can't get in to computer analysis easily#8

Hey guys, thanks so much for all of your thorough and helpful answers! SaNyob, I will consider doing more studies in the future, thanks for that! It is cool to be a part of a community that is so supp…

Lichess Feedback - Can't get in to computer analysis easily#5

Ok cool, just found it. Thanks annoygenius. My problem was is that I though it would look more like it does when you create a study, not like a thin menu item at the very bottom of the page. Didn't ex…

Lichess Feedback - Can't get in to computer analysis easily#3

Yeah that's what I was saying in my post, it doesn't show up unless I create a study.

Lichess Feedback - Can't get in to computer analysis easily#1

Hey all. Is there an easier way to get into computer analysis? For whatever reason, I have to go a round about way to get into it. I have to first click on analysis board (which by the way at the bott…
