
Search "user:edige0201"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - how long lichess ban account for cheating/#1

1,how long lichess ban account for cheating/ for forever or they will unblock after couple of days?

Lichess Feedback - why has not caculated 1 point when game ended with draw#7

thank u Solal35!!!!!

Lichess Feedback - why has not caculated 1 point when game ended with draw#5

hi, Solal35 its mean that the second draw (within the 30move) will be considered as losting, counted as a 0 point?

Lichess Feedback - why has not caculated 1 point when game ended with draw#4

hi, ChessMathNerd it was the last game right, but we did draw before the game was over. the numbers of the games was counted! but i have two consecutive draw, that is the second draw

Lichess Feedback - why has not caculated 1 point when game ended with draw#1

hi how r u ? i m wandering that why not add 1 point when i was finished the tournament with draw its was a last game, we played draw , but not add me 1 point any one about the detail about the tournam…

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