
Search "user:e3Gewinnt"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - new puzzles#3

On Pychess you can solve some puzzles from several chess variants.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Difficulty Adjustment#1

I think it would be awesome, if you could choose a few more relative difficulties for the puzzzles than ~-600 ~-300 ~0 ~+300 ~+600. I believe having a few more relative difficulties avaible would be n…

King of the Hill World Championship - KotH Scheduling#236

@e3Gewinnt vs. @agg144 5:5 and 8:10 after tie breaks (I lost)

King of the Hill World Championship - KotH Scheduling#184

@bubb13tea Hello, I dmed you for scheduling our match, please react. thanks

King of the Hill World Championship - KotH Scheduling#56

My opponent @babosos / @iblunderalot124 did surrender without a fight.

Community Blog Discussions - Why You Should Never Offer A Draw#38

Showing weakness by a draw offer is actually pretty double edged. The opponent who rejects a draw offer in an equal position often will try to over force the position, because he's interpreting the dr…

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