
Search "user:dnowchess"

15 forum posts
Game analysis - Stockfish Analysis#4

In this context, it means the number of errors each side has made, 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, and 0 blunders

Lichess Feedback - 4 Player chess?#1 recently implemented a 4 player chess mode, thoughts on implementing it to lichess?

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Lichess Feedback - Antichess is completely neglected#6

@DiePiecesDie Even if antichess was allowed as a variant you would still need a high rating in one of the standard chess categories to earn a LM title

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Lichess Feedback - How did you find

I was playing a pickup chess game otb every few weeks or so, not really that interested, when I saw Chess Network bullet arena on Youtube. I watched it wondering why it was so fast, so I subscribed an…

Lichess Feedback - Let's Thank Thibault#2

Thanks Thibault! You spend hours and give a lot working on this site to give people what they want and improve the site.
