
Search "user:der_zwang_des_zuges"

310 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is the rumour true that#5

@Akbar2thegreat said in #4: > Ask @/german11 > He has more than 400,000 Bullet games. Wow, that is a lot! 1.000.000 games of bullet and magnus will invite him for hollydays.

General Chess Discussion - Is the rumour true that#1

Magnus Carlsen ( Dr. Nykterstein himself ) writes to everybody who played 100.000 games of bullet a little message: "keep on trying! this is the real spirit!" ?

General Chess Discussion - Lichess needs a#1

new answer bottom: Thank you, good game, well played,... is not enough : " I am very sorry for flagging"

General Chess Discussion - Are the horseys in chess#16

If there is just one women on the chess board ( the queen ) : queen = 9 pawns bishop, knight = 3 rook = 5 and so on. 9 women - 30 men. And that is exactly the reason why there are so few women playing…

General Chess Discussion - Are the horseys in chess#1

male or female? Bishop of corse is male. king is male. queen is female. pawn ( bauer in german ) is male. Rook is a building.

General Chess Discussion - Is there an opening#4

I am wondering why nobody is playing the evans gambit. White wins in more than 50 percent of the games.

General Chess Discussion - Is there an opening#1

that is concidered as a draw if you do not do patzers ( blunders ) .

Off-Topic Discussion - HIFI: Is there something#11

@CygneDArchard said in #10: > Elwis? I never managed to get that big on Elwis. It was just an example. Normaly you can not go to a concert every day but you can listen to music every day at home or ev…

Off-Topic Discussion - HIFI: Is there something#9

@CygneDArchard said in #8: > The real world. You are right but in the real world you can not listen to !!! E L V I S !!! P R E S L E Y !!!!!

Off-Topic Discussion - HIFI: Is there something#6

I think it is all about the bit rate. when the bit rate is 192 then the human ear can not hear a difference to a bit rate of 320.
