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4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Chess17 (previously Chess15): a simpler version of Chess960 keeping the original castling rules#10

@Kingsracer234 said in #7: > If you want a lichess like chess server with more variants, you can connect your lichess account to Thanks. That's useful. First time I hear about the web…

Lichess Feedback - Chess17 (previously Chess15): a simpler version of Chess960 keeping the original castling rules#9

@benwerner said in #4: > As has been said endless times before, Lichess won't be adding any more variants. Fair enough. I didn't know that

Lichess Feedback - Chess17 (previously Chess15): a simpler version of Chess960 keeping the original castling rules#3

Just out of curiosity: is that because you prefer Chess960 over this variation or because you like neither?

Lichess Feedback - Chess17 (previously Chess15): a simpler version of Chess960 keeping the original castling rules#1

Hi all, in New in Chess 2021#7 and #8 Paul van Rensburg discusses a simpler variation of Chess960 in the "Your move". While originally called Chess 15 (see also this post https://www.chess.c…
