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88 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Social behaviour#1

Is it just me, encountering the lack of social behaviour over here? I for one do start a game with "good luck". Mostly: no reply. In case I do loose a game - and that happens fairly often since I am a…

Lichess Feedback - VPN and log in#11

@Solal35 Thanks for your input. As I stated before, I have been involved in building VPN software. No pun intended - but this is old news indeed. Enjoy Lichess.

Lichess Feedback - VPN and log in#9

@Solal35 , seems to me I have provided all needed info in the meanwhile. Thanks for your interest.

Lichess Feedback - VPN and log in#7

Thanks for your gentle reply, @FreedBeast219 . Old age is a matter of decline, and I really do accept that. Once 2100+ ELO, nowadays probably 1300. so be it. @nadjarostowa: I am perfectly aware how VP…

Lichess Feedback - VPN and log in#3

@FreedBeast219 said in #2: > Bro how you 80+ and still play chess (no offense). I dont know how to fix it. @FreedBeast219 No offence taken. Old sodiers fade away - as they should. My person included.

Lichess Feedback - VPN and log in#1

I am a 80+ year old lichess member, a patron for many years - check my profile. I do use a reliable VPN, not a cheap one. Nevertheless, most of the times access is denied. Had to empty cache as well a…

Off-Topic Discussion - What is chess for you?#56

So, in the end it boils down to semantics. You call it randomnes, I call it luck. Seems we are on one and the same track.

Off-Topic Discussion - What is chess for you?#54

Dear George, Symantics - seems like your last question boils down to it. Anyway: please define 'randomness'. Thanks in advance.

Off-Topic Discussion - What is chess for you?#52

@george_mcgeorge et all, "Is it? While a lot in chess depends on your abitility to calculate and memorize, there's still the element of luck. And while I think that in the majority of cases the better…

Off-Topic Discussion - What is chess for you?#40

In the end, it's merely like poker; luck. By no means the most skilled players do win. The ones who crash the least mentally - and we all do - will be on top. Fun game it is, chess. Outcome or results…
