
Search "user:cyberash"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Question about good players#2

I have found the answer to this question and apparently it’s just pattern recognition, now my question is how does one develop this pattern recognition and skills like that

General Chess Discussion - Question about good players#1

I’ve noticed that there are people that play bullet, blitz, rapid, virtually any time control that’s not classic that are untitled or casual players that are able to keep up or win the majority of the…

General Chess Discussion - World Chess Championship 2023: Reactions, Statistics, and Impressions#9

@henry1328 @carbon-based I felt this world championship was below par for the level of chess. I understand that there is a lot of pressure but they are among the best in the world and the way they pla…

General Chess Discussion - World Chess Championship 2023: Reactions, Statistics, and Impressions#8

@ineedthedough I agree!

General Chess Discussion - Can't punish random moves.#11

@PerfectPlayer15 if you don't know how to attack properly then you can just strengthen your position until your opponent makes a mistake then capitalize

General Chess Discussion - Actually getting worse the more that I study?#8

@MrDeCesare it seems to me like your theory knowledge is adequate, so like Pkill said to practice more is easily the best option. An important thing to note is that a lot of the lines you would learn …

General Chess Discussion - Question about player games#5

@ThunderClap if only my memory was that advanced...I don't have the focus to remember every one

General Chess Discussion - "I Like To Watch Them Squirm" ... Bobby Fischer was Quoted as saying#23

@ThunderClap Bobby was "known" to have some personality disorders I can't remember what all the specific details are but you can probably just google it. With that out of the way, I believe it can be …

General Chess Discussion - Actually getting worse the more that I study?#5

that's what I was thinking, I don't have as much experience as an NM so I can't speak for him but the way understand it is you are not as proficient with your new learnings. I play pretty much one ope…

General Chess Discussion - Actually getting worse the more that I study?#2

what are you studying? do you have a teacher?
