
Search "user:cmelancon"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lost on time on my opponent's turn.#2

I had this in the past, are you using an App on a phone? When this happened to me, my app would show that it was my opponent's turn, but if I logged in the website, it would show my opponent had made …

General Chess Discussion - How is that people get pissed when you decline a request of move withdrawal?#2

Because they're whining little babies. Life gives no takebacks and chess neither.

General Chess Discussion - I Feel Like a God Right Now#15

There shouldn't be any takebacks ever. You mouse slip, gg and you're more careful next game.

Lichess Feedback - INSULTS#4

"This person uses computer assistance." Is the guy using a better engine than yours?

Off-Topic Discussion - Wow lichess drank the "the world will end in 12yrs" Kool-Aid huh?#5

Well said.

Lichess Feedback - How to cancel recurring contributions? #8

Holy crap, I had never experienced this level of Alex Jones conspiracy theorists conservative anger, this is WILD!

Lichess Feedback - I'm credited with a win for a game I'm almost certain I lost.#4

Unfortunately I cannot attribute my performance to reefer madness.

Lichess Feedback - I would like my donations refunded#2

Winter is coming because I'm seeing snowflakes everywhere.

Lichess Feedback - I'm credited with a win for a game I'm almost certain I lost.#1

Game here : I was running out of time, making random moves and getting crushed, ran out of time, and when I look at the game analysis, it says white resigned and I won…

Lichess Feedback - I lose on time, but my UI never showed it was my turn#7

What showed me this was happening is that when I tried to type in the chat, my message wouldn't appear as well.
