
Search "user:chalebb"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#162

@testaccount42 Yes! Gen IV nuclear plants are great - unlimited energy, no nuclear waste, no required active fission inhibition systems. Especially the molten salt reactors. But for some reason, Germa…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#138

@Chuck_Fess Again, you haven't addressed how you would be tangibly affected if you had to look at a bright red MAGA / Keep America Great Again 2020 banner every time you logged on for some R&R at lich…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#128

@K0ld even wikipedia is a great source for this info: The 2nd chart down on the right side: That's total country CO2 emissio…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#120

@Chuck_Fess but you said "Given how many people are triggered by this link that has no tangible impact on them..." I'm pointing out that climate propaganda has a tangible impact on everyone who sees i…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#115

@Chuck_Fess so then you'd be OK with Make America Great Again or Trump 2020 banners on the lichess homepage? Would any protests to this decision be "censorship" in your opinion? Would it have a tangib…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#107

re: Stop labeling climate science as "politics" Actual climate science cannot be shut down by calling this political propaganda "climate science." More feedback from actual climate scientists on the p…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#99

I agree, we should keep politics off of lichess; This *isn't* an existential threat. Perhaps the very late solar cycle 25 is a threat, but that's outside the scope of this discussion. Note the (simila…
