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3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Ways to search for puzzles by more than one topic?#2

I would appreciate this as well, especially considering the combination of two or more categories! For instance, combining "Indian Defense" with "Forks" or combining "crushing move" with "one move" pu…

Lichess Feedback - Explanation of tournament colors (green, black, ...)#4

@nadjarostowa said in #3: > It would be nice to have that info on the tournaments page, or at least on the arena FAQ page. I agree, it would be nice to have this information, e.g. below the title "Tou…

Lichess Feedback - Explanation of tournament colors (green, black, ...)#1

The arena tournaments at have various colors, like green, black, blue, purple, and maybe others. It would be nice to have a small explanation somewhere on what those col…
