
Search "user:Whitesn4ke"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion to all online chess platforms: queen auto-promotion#6

Thanks. I had no idea holding down CTLR on lichess and ALT on would solve my promotion problems. And like my friend here asks "what about mobile/touch screen?" 🤔

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion to all online chess platforms: queen auto-promotion#1

Guys, why not have a toggle button/switch displayed next to the board for queen auto-promotion? Then when we players get those rare knight-promotion positions we can easily play them out in time troub…

Lichess Feedback - How to delete a tournament?#2

I routinely create a weekly tournament 5-6 days in advance and it always shows up on the team page. Go to your team page and you will see it. Then you can just edit it

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