
Search "user:Wellblech01"

12 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - puzzles are not synchron on different devices#1

I play lichess on different devices. I play it on pc in my Firefox browser, on my smartphone and tablet (Apple each) using the lichess app. When i change the device after solving some puzzles, i get t…

Game analysis - Beautiful combination#4

Thats a really enjoyable game. Thanks for sharing. I will show that to my students ;-)

General Chess Discussion - How do you resist takebacks?#3

Its totally legit to NOT accept the takeback. If your opponent blunders the queen, thats his problem. Thats how online chess works. If you do accept the takeback thats completely fine and a nice gestu…

Lichess Feedback - system should set draw#4

however you can always claim it a draw concerning to FIDE rules, dont? K+P vs K you can at least make mistakes and a pawn could always promote. But the Bishop only can't mate, can he?

Lichess Feedback - system should set draw#1

I lost my last game on time although there was no material left to checkmate. I played the daily Blitz-tournament. In the last round my oppenent had a bishop and i had a pawn and a knight. With his la…

Lichess Feedback - [Feature Request] opening tree of own games#1

Hello everybody, I wonder if there already is or in future could be a feature (maybe in ChessInsights) that shows an opening tree only of my own games besides the analysis board. i only found the open…

Lichess Feedback - Can't join a game using firefox#10

Problem solved! I just actualized my browser to newest version by downloading it from mozilla homepage. The problem was, that my browser wrongly told me I already had the newest version. That confused…

Lichess Feedback - Can't join a game using firefox#8

I have the autoupdate function activated, well obviously it didnt update. I will try to update manually (not sure how to do that, yet) and see if it works after that. Thanks for your help so far!

Lichess Feedback - Can't join a game using firefox#3

It's windows 10 - 64 bit , Version 42.0

Lichess Feedback - Can't join a game using firefox#1

Hello there, my problem is that i can't join any game. I cant start a game the normal way. The "new game" button is simply not pushable. Moreover there are no game offers showed. When i join a tournam…
