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8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - RULE NUMBER ONE LICHESS#1

RULE NUMBER 1: Never play rematch if you win against higher ranked player. Playing chess you have to follow the rules but this rule seems to be followed by everybody here on Lichess. So what does this…

General Chess Discussion - can't play anymore on Lichess#1

Blocked every player that refused rematch after 1 game. No players left to play.

General Chess Discussion - How accurate is Lichess catching cheaters?#1

Sometimes I got the feeling I played a proggie (human with computer engine). After analyzing the game my opponent played the perfect match. Are there any engines Lichess can't detect? Just curious.

General Chess Discussion - blocking chess players#16

this is my way leaving Lichess in a slow way ;-)

General Chess Discussion - blocking chess players#14

make that 95%

General Chess Discussion - blocking chess players#8

Still going on......225 blocked

General Chess Discussion - blocking chess players#1

Blocking every player who wins first match and refuse to play rematch. so far in 1 day at least 90 players blocked and still going on....

General Chess Discussion - Why does nobody play rematch after winning first match#1

Is this human nature or just the people on Lichess I think less than 5% plays rematch after winning first match
