
Search "user:TrIaL_AcCoUnT22"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug in the Learn section: Deflection#2 Okay I find another one and I think there'd be more but I'll stop right here. I was so confused when I played Qxf4 (as I …

Lichess Feedback - Bug in the Learn section: Deflection#1 Deflection #10 says that after Rc7 Rd1, Bxd1 is incorrect eventhough it is the best move. You have to play it multiple ti…

General Chess Discussion - Most number of rematch#1

I wonder which players has the most number of rematch? I found this 2 almost have 2k games against each other:

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Error#1

The screen before starting the game just goes completely white, as if it is still loading the content. I would like to send a screenshot regarding this issue so that this can be fixed asap.

General Chess Discussion - My best atomic game in a long time#3

Nice mate bro

Off-Topic Discussion - I hate Humanity lol #2

You could also become a bitch and give birth to a hundred puppies all with different dad. #go_for_humanity

General Chess Discussion - Mouse vs. Touchscreen#5

Glad to have an NM with us:)

General Chess Discussion - Mouse vs. Touchscreen#3

At first, it seems like using a mouse really had a bigger advantage than the screen but as i got used to the screen, the advantage doesn't really seems great and I often thought the screen could be be…

Lichess Feedback - Coordinates Feature#1

I would like to suggest a "guess the color" feature on the 'coordinates trainer'. I think this is just simple as it would only project the name of a square and the player will just choose between two …

Lichess Feedback - Why does Lichess use an unusual tournament system?#2

Performance rating could be cheated. For example someone defeated a 2600 opponent on the first game and decided not to play after that. What would happen is lichess would give him a 3100 performance r…
