
Search "user:Tojlet"

12 forum posts
Game analysis - Can someone explain this weird position in caro-kann:advance variation?#5

I mean about position after black plays Bxb2

Game analysis - Can someone explain this weird position in caro-kann:advance variation?#4


Game analysis - Can someone explain this weird position in caro-kann:advance variation?#3

Game analysis - Can someone explain this weird position in caro-kann:advance variation?#1

Why Stockfish suggest go Rb1instead of Re1? Can someone explain this position?

Lichess Feedback - not showing the saved analysis#2

This is probably bug. A lot of players got this and I think we have to wait for fix.

Lichess Feedback - In Analysis Cloud analysis is not showing.#2

I've got the same problem

General Chess Discussion - Did I have good stats?#9

@TrainingOTB hahah :D Thanks for your opinion (y) Yes I think it's crazy to belive that you can be champion when you rarely play xdd ps. Magnusa to ja z zamkniętymi oczami ogrywam :D

General Chess Discussion - Did I have good stats?#7

@gayweather I asked did I have good stats including that how much time I spent playing in this game. I have not found the statistics of players which would show me their ranks with played parties. Who…

General Chess Discussion - Did I have good stats?#3

@ioxod Thanks for reply! You're right about that I aksed the wrong questions. I think that I don't improving despite the fact that I training in miscellaneous ways. I always play rapids games and mayb…

General Chess Discussion - Did I have good stats?#1

I played about 500 chess parties on lichess and maybe 400 with comuter. I spent 60 hours for watching chess guides. I solved 1791 puzzles. I have 1600 rank on lichess. Do I have good stats including h…
