
Search "user:Thresher_Maw"

16 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#289

@leonardopinguin its useless to say to these guys we dont want politics in our face, they won't understand it

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#163

@ctriplea hear hear

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#156

@bunyip Yeah sure... People draw their conclusion from your behaviour ;) But I'm not surprised you can't tell adblocker and censorship apart

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#148

@Chuck_Fess I understand you to be extremely hypocritical or a troll. I think sensible people should disregard you just as you disregard everything we try and point out

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#145

@Chuck_Fess I don't see why one's first posts should not have wheight?... I mean, that's... just dumb. Anyway, this is pointless, we are still where the topic started... what I tried to express: -ther…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#134

@bunyip Soooo asking for chess relevant topics and a non political forum a way of censorship now? Pointless to argue with you of course, you don't even try and fake understanding your opposition's opp…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#127

@bunyip I can't understand your well ellaborated question, my right honorable friend

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#125

@Chuck_Fess Neutrality, you know... Tens of thousands of us playing from all around the globe, from different cultures?... The reason we can do that is that no one is pushing their world view. That's …

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#121

@bunyip ,please point out where I called for censorship. Meanwhile, stop forcing your point of view on a field that has nothing to do with chess @Chuck_Fess spoken like a true egalitarian

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#116

@Chuck_Fess can't you understand the difference between attacking climate change as a standpoint and protecting lichess' neutrality? There are thousands of people from all around the globe, from who k…
