
Search "user:TheGoatOfOpenings"

9 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Technoblade never dies!#28

@obladie said in #27: > The point is not the subject per se... it is the fact of four duplicate threads at the same time. > Even a casual perusal will show that. How does that affect you? Why should y…

Off-Topic Discussion - Technoblade never dies!#26

@obladie What's your point? Just let people say whatever they want.

Off-Topic Discussion - Technoblade never dies!#24

@obladie Why should you care if people talk about the death of someone you are not interested in? Your messages add nothing to this conversation, they are entirely useless. You obviously have nothing …

Off-Topic Discussion - Technoblade never dies!#16

@obladie said in #7: > > > > Third thread in less than two days about someone wh…

Lichess Feedback - Loss instead of draw#9

ohh lol

Lichess Feedback - Loss instead of draw#7

The point that I am making is that according to the rules of FIDE (and in lichess or any other chess platform) when one side only has a king and the other runs out of time the game is drawn, this woul…

Lichess Feedback - Loss instead of draw#6

@Olekawaii said in #4: > black can still win it captures all the white pieces No it can't, assuming black captures all my pieces (including my queen) I would only have my king left which would result …

Lichess Feedback - Loss instead of draw#3

I understand what you mean but normally, if one side has insufficient mating material and the other runs out of time, the game is drawn

Lichess Feedback - Loss instead of draw#1

I played a 1/2 rated horde game and lost on time, however, my opponent only had a king. This is the game:
