
Search "user:TheBigNico"

26 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Ignore command for chats of tournaments#15

@Toadofsky First of all thank you for your time. I am not a coder, but I think we don't see it in the same way. My original thoughts, were that it would be similar to a "personal timeout" command. How…

Lichess Feedback - Ignore command for chats of tournaments#13

@FischyVishy Thanks for your support, I was thinking to reach he state of "TheMassiveNico" soon; but I really appreciate "TheGagantuanNico". One should not restrain himself because it is never too big.

Lichess Feedback - Ignore command for chats of tournaments#1

Dear all, As the name of the topic states, this topic aims to explain why I think that an ignore command for tournaments' chats would be a great feature for Lichess. I am well aware that we can hide t…

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