
Search "user:Tethys"

7 forum posts
Game analysis - My luckiest win (against 2300+ classical)#3

14.Nxe7?! (I would have played 14.Qf3 followed by Be3, with an excellent position). There is no need in exchanging this powerful knight on d5.

Game analysis - My luckiest win (against 2300+ classical)#2

5.Nb3, 6.Nc3 already looks dubious to me. Black indeed gets a powerful bishop on b6 targeting on f2. The main line goes 5.Be3 Df6 6.c3 etc. (I'm not a Scotch expert as well). After move 7, White alrea…

Game analysis - How to play with advantage(+2),Dutch Defence from this closed position#2

After some preparation, an idea would be sacrificing on h4 with a strong attack on the kingside. White obviously lackes freedom of movement due to your space advantage.

General Chess Discussion - Unsportive behaviour by my opponent#6

In fact, for example after 41.Kf4 (instead of 41.Kd2), White escapes checks (41..g5+ 42.Qxg5+). The position is then completey won and checkmate follows. It would have been up to you to find the right…

Club d'échecs de Payerne - Une jolie combinaison#3

Effectivement, une belle combinaison!

Club d'échecs de Payerne - 3 pions passés liés contre tour#1 Il n'y a qu'un seul moyen de gagner cette finale au 53ème coup blanc. Je ne l'ai pas vu (53.Rf5?? =), l'analyse automatique ne le voit pas! C'est pointu et très diff…

Club d'échecs de Payerne - Bienvenue aux joueurs du club d'échecs de Payerne !#2

Merci Pascal, belle initiative! Je remarque que plusieurs membres étaient déjà actifs sur ce site depuis un certain temps. Florian
