
Search "user:TacticalTrickyKnight"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - NNUE option#1

I cannot believe there are no clear indication about how to get NNUE to work in analysis. I use the latest version of chrome, I get stockfish 11 HCE in analysis when stockfish 14 is there. In the opti…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish stops analysing when it shouldn't#1

I was checking stockfish on my last game: After enabling engine evaluation (on the last move of the game, set to show 3 lines, but that's probably not relevant) and …

Lichess Feedback - Clicking 'revenge' to rematch Stockfish after analysing#1

I played stockfish, I analysed the game ( ) then clicked previous on the browser to rematch it, clicking on rematch brings me back to the analysis board.

Lichess Feedback - mouse wheel to scroll back/forth into the move list is not working during a game#1

mouse wheel to scroll back/forth into the move list is not working during a game, i'm fairly certain it was possible before, is this a regression? There's no good reason it shouldn't be working.

Lichess Feedback - only play account of X days old#8

It's not egoistic, playing against non disconnecting people only is something you want, would you want to play to disconnecting people only? no? then this is black or white, if i could i'd use such an…

Lichess Feedback - only play account of X days old#6

Yeah i try to but you know when you want to play bullet you just seek and wait, plus if you have wait, then the game start then you check the stats, and then abort, it's considered fair play violation…

Lichess Feedback - Add An Opening Book To The Engine#7

Nop but i don't think it's of interest for the website to provide that as a feature, maybe as a show with ChessNetwork commentating ;)

Lichess Feedback - only play account of X days old#4

Yes these bot are extremely easy to make and most people don't put them on github, they just keep it to themselves to make it hard for lichess (or different chess website) to catch. @savagechess2k the…

Lichess Feedback - only play account of X days old#1

Despite any work put into anti cheating measure, people are still cheating on lichess. I report them daily but they are not being banned, either because they didn't cheat, or because lichess considere…

Lichess Feedback - Right click issue#11

It has been fixed!
