
Search "user:TKincso"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug in puzzle streak#1

Cannot get a new puzzle, stops at 1.

Lichess Feedback - Team message bug#5

@Rankrotten said in #4: > Could be you have used your 7 messages per week allocation! that is the thing, i have all of my messages messed up. on top there are not the newest ones and my team messages …

Lichess Feedback - Team message bug#3

@ChoszcznoWarrior said in #2: > I don't think it's a common one still ongoing for me tho :(

Lichess Feedback - Team message bug#1

Hi! I tried sending a message to all of my club members, but I heard back from our members that they did not receive it. When I open messages, it doesn't show up as it used to, that I sent it today, b…
