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3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - It is not always clear to me why a best move is a best move#11

Hi guys, thank you for all your input. I'm learning here. The answer which caught my attention is that of pguardiario, I would not think of that. First thought was, so what, but thinking it over, it m…

General Chess Discussion - It is not always clear to me why a best move is a best move#4

Yes, i found something similar in, but it gives statistics. So apparently in general chess players think this is a good move. But this gives no explanation why this is a good or the …

General Chess Discussion - It is not always clear to me why a best move is a best move#1

Example This puzzle tells me Bg4 is the best move to make. I would think the bisshop will only be chased around by the pawns. How do you proceed in working…
