
Search "user:Strategymaster"

81 forum posts
Game analysis - 2. Bc4 !? against the sicilian#57

#55 @Sarg0n Do we judge the position he got or only the result? If we judge the position, he was pressing up to the endgame. It was looking really promising. Way better than modern Najdorf mainlines. …

IM Strategymaster
Game analysis - 2. Bc4 !? against the sicilian#54

True, admittedly he played 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bc4 But does that mean that the concept of Bc4 is not wrong on itself, but we are talking about the right move order? Like playing 2.Nf3 or 2.Nc3 first, and depen…

IM Strategymaster
Game analysis - 2. Bc4 !? against the sicilian#52

Oh no, Kramnik HIMSELF plays Bc4 in Sicilian. He must be a noob right? The famous opening development Ex WM Kramnik, who made up Berlin, Catalan, Be3 line in Grunfeld, which got his name, plays Bc4 ag…

IM Strategymaster
Game analysis - 2. Bc4 !? against the sicilian#51

a) Scores are not telling the whole truth. E.g. 1.d4 d6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 dxe5 4.Qxd8 scores more for black than for white. Is it a bad move? For sure less principled, but if you look behind the numbers,…

IM Strategymaster
Off-Topic Discussion - I pledge to DONATE $5,000.00 to if anyone that can beat CUOO 10 games straight in 1-0-n#20

For reference, that were his messages to me: "please read the forum let's get the site some money as i hear its lagging in finances, just trying to keep site alive for the next few years, you sir make…

IM Strategymaster
Off-Topic Discussion - I pledge to DONATE $5,000.00 to if anyone that can beat CUOO 10 games straight in 1-0-n#19

@thibault in short: This guy, which I assumed has either a brain, or a good will, or any chance to donate money to you, promised to donate money to your site, if I should beat him (55$ that is). Trash…

IM Strategymaster
Off-Topic Discussion - I pledge to DONATE $5,000.00 to if anyone that can beat CUOO 10 games straight in 1-0-n#12

FYI- I took the challenge, 10 games, 10 wins. In only 2 of them he survived past move 25 with an equal position. But having 20 vs 40 seconds he soon crumbled. So everything went as any reasonable play…

IM Strategymaster
Off-Topic Discussion - I pledge to DONATE $5,000.00 to if anyone that can beat CUOO 10 games straight in 1-0-n#8

@Minnesotablizzard And there you are wrong again. 500 Rating difference is not equal. 1000 vs 1500, 1500 vs 2000 and 2500 vs 3000 is not the same. Assuming you will even get a top rated player like Ca…

IM Strategymaster
Off-Topic Discussion - I pledge to DONATE $5,000.00 to if anyone that can beat CUOO 10 games straight in 1-0-n#4

@Minnesotablizzard You have any idea what you are talking about? Or are you trying to tell me you understand better how to beat a 2500 rated guy 10 times in a row because from your experience, and in …

IM Strategymaster
Off-Topic Discussion - I pledge to DONATE $5,000.00 to if anyone that can beat CUOO 10 games straight in 1-0-n#2

You mean this one? (remove hastags, so he wont get alerted) Since he has 2500 Bullet Rating beating him 10 times straight is almost impossible, even for Carlsen himself (a…

IM Strategymaster