
Search "user:Spasoje93"

34 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Docs for a refund is not clear enough#3

But I just played a few games after that one. I don't think they have some AI system that decides on this things. :) I just think it's poorly documented.

Lichess Feedback - Docs for a refund is not clear enough#1

I just read this explanation when I am available for a refund: I think that based on that text, I qualify for a refund for this game:…

Lichess Feedback - Select multiple time control presets to play#1

I am not sure how hard it would be, but it would be great if lichess can implement new feature that I can pick let's say 15+10, 30+0, 30+20 and lichess find me opponent in one of those time formats. I…

Community Blog Discussions - Lichess on scala3 - help needed#9

Have you tried using some profiler to see what is causing your problems with high CPU usage? Maybe you can find some answers there.

General Chess Discussion - Can we have at least one Rapid Daily Arena per week with increment?#1

We have Rapid Daily Arena every day but every time it's 10+0 and there are 3 rapid time controls on the site ( 10+0 / 10+5 / 15+10). Can we have once per week Rapid Arena with increment(10+5) instead …

General Chess Discussion - Nice game in the Dragon, but slightly annoyed that 5.g6 is an Innacuracy :D#3

Seems like a good game from your side. The only thing that I don't like is that you gave your dark squared bishop which is your strongest minor piece in Dragon for his knight which was not that useful…

Lichess Feedback - What kind of bug was this?#5

I forgot to answer the question: I use Google Chrome Version 97.0.4692.71 (Official Build) (64-bit) , so its not old browser.

Lichess Feedback - What kind of bug was this?#3

I am 99% sure that it was his time ticking. Weird thing is that when I saw that he doesn't move piece for like 20 seconds I opened another tab on my 2nd monitor and opened sports website to browse spo…

Lichess Feedback - What kind of bug was this?#1

Take a look at this game of mine: Everything was fine until the last move. So, I moved my rook to d8 and just premoved pawn capture to d8. Then I thought: "Let's not mess …

General Chess Discussion - Gained 200+ Elo by sticking to same openings (London and CK when poss), now I need new openings.#22

London and Caro Kann are great openings. The problem is the more you advance in rating, it becomes harder to improve because players are getting better.1350-1550 will be much harder than 1150-1350, it…
