
Search "user:Spartako"

278 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 3.Nc3 is an inaccuracy, what? #13

I said more than once that I wasn't referring to humans playing against computers. That just doesn't matter. Computers can compute and always find the win through brute force. That has nothing to do w…

General Chess Discussion - 3.Nc3 is an inaccuracy, what? #11

[Off original topic] @drmrboss You judge a computer assessment by their rating compared to humans. Keep in mind I was referring to near-2800 elo players. Anyway I'm talking about play between humans. …

General Chess Discussion - 3.Nc3 is an inaccuracy, what? #7

@drmrboss There's a Karpov-Ivanchuk game, for instance, that has such dubious move order. Could be a case of all databases being wrong about it (which I haven't looked up properly) or a case that Ivan…

General Chess Discussion - 3.Nc3 is an inaccuracy, what? #5

The chesstempo database seems to show not the number of times the move was played, but the number of occurrences for the position reached after that move is played. Same for the chessgames database. T…

General Chess Discussion - Nojoke Drama Report: The battle for the soul of puzzle rush#7

"how is this man so full of creativity when promoting his work, and so lacking in creativity while making it?" lol, you can tell by the name "chess club live", which sounds like those online groups cr…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#61

This thread is actually decent, judging by the first page. Lichess is reasonable at discussing things. Good points on the firsts posts on this thread, but mostly agree with NoJoke.

Lichess Feedback - lichess time zone#9

@Aman_Pathak That's not related to the topic at all, but you probably have connection issues. If you make a move and your clock is still running, that's because your move wasn't sent to lichess yet. I…

General Chess Discussion - accused of cheating in 960#6

I was accused of cheating because my clock was going up... during increment endgame. And I couldn't answer because I was immediately blocked. #2 is right that it eventually happens. Some people in lon…

Lichess Feedback - I was analyzing what we had already played and I lost due to cheating#15

I don't think the user described cheating, now that we know it was correspondence. But the analysis mentioned probably isn't the one allowed in correspondence, but actual computer analysis outside of …

Lichess Feedback - Bug - chess960 start position#3

I've noticed that. Although the bug seems to be present, I've told it has been fixed, but probably requires a server restart.
