
Search "user:SchrodsCat"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Monthly Classical Winners#68

It seems to me that Thibault made a genuine mistake. But it's a mistake that is negatively impacting Lichess and for this reason I hope that the community can move on - after all streamers are rare & …

Lichess Feedback - Team accounts need to be made more explicit#3

GM Tal Baron and IM Asaf Givon are obviously in collaboration to win this game (cheating) & I agree that there's no similarity with the Chessbrah stream. GM Eric Hansen - discussing moves in-game with…

General Chess Discussion - General discussions in this forum#1

Is it acceptable for indignant chess players to come here and call for other chess players to be banned from Lichess ? This question is not rhetorical or theoretical ; Lichess seems to take a very rel…

General Chess Discussion - Kingscrusher should be banned#102

IsolatedPun-Youtube If you took the opportunity to subscribe to the Kingscrusher channel, you would get the entire 90 minutes... & the chat !

General Chess Discussion - Kingscrusher should be banned#98

Self-righteousness, sanctimony & self-indulgence.. all evident as they line up against Kingscrusher - the most entertaining chess player on Youtube, Twitch &&& Lichess ! What a pompous shower the lot …

General Chess Discussion - Kingscrusher should be banned#59

There is obviously a mutual antipathy between the two adversaries but it's interesting to see how their supporters weigh in. Storms in teacups indeed ! Tomorrow is another day :D

General Chess Discussion - Kingscrusher should be banned#44

To be 'accused', or to have it suggested, that your level of chess compares favourably with Komodo or any other engine, is high praise indeed. So just Who the fks offended :D
