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4 forum posts
Game analysis - Very strange computer suggested move, help me understand#2

Look at it this way: What move would you play instead of the computer suggestion (0-0 loses the Queen)? ...the alternatives are even worse (f.e. 19. ...Nb8? leads to mate in 14 moves according to stoc…

Game analysis - help me analyze this game#5

Yes i can understand that it looks a little bit scary at first - you might lose the pawn on h3 etc - but: There is no checkmate, no decisive attack for black... your rook will come to g1 and keep the …

Game analysis - help me analyze this game#2

You mean 17.gxh3 instead and then some attack like Qg6+ followed by Nf4 by black?

Game analysis - Good win for me !#7

26. Kf1 could have cost you the game: ...Bc4+ 27. Ke1 Qg1+ 28. Kd2 Rd8+ and so on... white ends up with a Bishop vs Queen.
