
Search "user:SLeaver"

12 forum posts
Game analysis - Holy Cow I just checkmated a 2200!!!!#11

@Koo8384 Kudos to you in our game. I saw your win on move 24, but wanted to see if you would figure out the win.

General Chess Discussion - Difference in rating on chess sites#1

I am a bit confused about rating differences on chess sites. On, my rapid rating is in the low to mid 1900's. On Lichess it is near 2200 and on Chess24 it has been as high as 2300. They all …

General Chess Discussion - Rating ladder observations#1

I have been thinking about aspects of my chess as I have moved up the rating ladder and wanted to write them down. While these were/are true about me, they could also apply to many players. Tell me if…

Game analysis - My greatest game ever. #4

Good game. I like 25. Kg2 better than Qf6

Game analysis - I got insanely lucky#4

21. ...g5 doesn't look so bad either

General Chess Discussion - Help with positions with doubled pawns#5

Doubled pawns aren't so bad if they are still connected to a larger mass of pawns. If pawns are doubled on their own, they can be easy pickings in an endgame.

Game analysis - Position analysis#2

I think because 23...Nh4 forces you to lose a pawn (or worse). Ng3 helps protect the e2 pawn advance in addition to safeguarding the knight.

Game analysis - When to allow greek gift?#2

9. h3 Bxh3 isn't technically a "greek gift" sacrifice. A "greek gift" sacrifice is when the bishop takes a pawn with check, then a knight follows with another check (typically on g5). If 9. ...Bxh3 10…

Game analysis - Impossible winning move#2

Qxb2 leaps out at me with the idea of taking the knight with the queen or subsequently taking the knight with the bishop.

Off-Topic Discussion - Change picture on streamer page#1

I was wondering if anyone knows how to change their picture on their streamer page. I haven't found an answer in lichess' FAQ's.
