
Search "user:RoikkuvaUpseeri"

24 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is there luck in chess#27

Good luck does exist, bad luck doesn’t. That was a comment by a Finnish IM, and I like that approach.

General Chess Discussion - Favourite opening against 1...e5#16

If I know for sure that my opponent is going to play 1. ... e5, then 1.Nf3 would be my choice.

General Chess Discussion - At which rating does horrible chess stop?#10

> When I was in my 1700s, I thought that 1900s would play well; Boy, was I wrong. You were not wrong but completely right - back then, that is. But times have changed. These days, it's 2200s who play …

Lichess Feedback - Why not 4-player chess on Lichess?#23

@JanTriana14 said in #22: > They're a business. If enough people ask for it, they will implement it. This is why it is not a waste of time to request it. Lichess is not a business.

General Chess Discussion - Would there be equality in chess, if we banned all males from playing chess for 20 years#25

Just stop feeding the hungry troll, guys.

Game analysis - First time I had Queen vs Queen as a win!#10

A rare and cool endgame position, reminds me of "Searching for Bobby Fischer". Congratulations!

General Chess Discussion - How do you play pawns + king endgames?#17

@NickUK1969 said in #4: > I guess some people don't possess google or youtube these days....that saddens me Well, in certain countries doing a Google or Youtube search in order to learn more about the…

Lichess Feedback - Account is closed vs red mark for tos violation (rant)#14

Sounds like beating a dead horse.

General Chess Discussion - Why don’t very strong (eg titled) players play Classical on here?#12

One obvious reason no one has mentioned yet: online it happens quite often that your opponent leaves the game in a bad position. In a blitz or bullet game, you lose a minute or two. Which is annoying …

Game analysis - Do mainline really exist?#2

I would say it's both about history and popularity. Especially popularity among the strongest players.
