
Search "user:RakkoRoll"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Kung Fu Music School#3

I took three random kids from a playground and taught them the entirely of chess, Kung Fu, and music in an hour.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Kung Fu Music School#1 I'm the white Ben Finegold with talent.

Off-Topic Discussion - Acrofever#1

If you're tired of all the memorization in chess, and want to play an online game of pure skill, come on over to and see what you're really made of.

Off-Topic Discussion - Discuss without the letter A#60

@Shivam1104 said in #56: > You Said A In Games! Out! Hehe. You got me. Just goes to show you how difficult it is to do. I looked over my post twice before submitting, missing my error both times. Now …

Off-Topic Discussion - Discuss without the letter A#53

I'm doing fine. It is fun to write without using specific letters. It is more difficult to try writing without using E, but this is fun too. I've seen novels written without using E. That must be diff…

General Chess Discussion - What do you think is the best piece set and board color combination#5

I like the Maestro pieces the best. Since they are neither very dark or very light, I like to use a board without very dramatic contrast. I started using Purple-diag, then I used Olive, now I am using…

General Chess Discussion - Favorite piece-set/board combination?#11

I use Maestro pieces. As for the board, I used to use Purple-diag, then I used Olive, now I am using Grey.
