
Search "user:QTipPoker"

40 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Remove Stockfish Games from My Games#1

It would be nice to remove games I setup positions vs. Stockfish to play from my games database. The results from these show up in other stats and give me things like a 32 games losing streak, etc.

General Chess Discussion - Identifying Weak Squares#1

Does anyone have a good resource that teaches about identifying weak squares with some examples and maybe quiz type stuff?

General Chess Discussion - Scoring Central Control#2


General Chess Discussion - Does using the board diagram markings hurt my chess ability?#3

I've actually never thought of doing that. I think that might be a helpful beginning step to draw a bunch of arrows and such to answer questions from the board...are their pins batteries, etc. That mi…

General Chess Discussion - Scoring Central Control#1

I read a brief description about scoring central control. Something like 2-2 when the center is equally controlled and other scores like 2.5-1.5, 3-1, 3.5-0.5, etc. I'd like to see some examples to en…

General Chess Discussion - Pawn Up End Game Study#4

Thanks @tailuge . That's a useful tool. However, I have noticed a few puzzes that are incorrect. I go to the game to check it out and indeed there was a blunder move, but the tool has marked the wrong…

General Chess Discussion - Distant Opposition Confusion#3

So, I guess the practice one I gave is a situation in which you can get the opposition and still lose because it's giving up the goal of the key square. Wiki gave this example with the same idea: 8/8/…

General Chess Discussion - Distant Opposition Confusion#2

OK. So, I just read something in wiki that struck a chord with me. Opposition is a means to an end. Penetration to a key square is the end. So, in this case, with b5, c5, and d5 being the key squares,…

General Chess Discussion - Distant Opposition Confusion#1

I'm checking this one out: I don't understand the distant opposition. How can I easily understand why only c2 is a win for whit…
