
Search "user:Psyman2"

34 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle system is frustrating more than it is rewarding#13

Stop being obtuse. My complaint is that I am not getting "the real meat".

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle system is frustrating more than it is rewarding#11

I'm not saying the rating system should be different. I'm saying I'm only getting easy puzzles. This has nothing to do with the rating system. Nobody is talking about the rating system except you. My …

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle system is frustrating more than it is rewarding#9

> Puzzle ratings work just as normal lichess ratings. You solve one that's much higher rated than you, you gain a lot of rating. You fail one that's much lower rated than you, you lose a lot of rating…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle system is frustrating more than it is rewarding#4

Since when is Puzzle rating equaling other ratings a qualifier for anything? Useless comment. And I don't get harder puzzles because of rare lapses in judgement. If I solve 4 and fail one and end up h…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle system is frustrating more than it is rewarding#1 That's not fun. That's stupid. +2, +2, +3, +4, -28000, +2, +3, +4 Either these puzzles are given to me because they are expected to be at my level (in which case I should be abl…

General Chess Discussion - I see lots of puzzles being downvoted#19

Yea, but that's missing the point. Every single one of these puzzles is based on "find the material advantage". It's not obious for a human to see why SF8 sacrifices a knight. It does so because it ev…

General Chess Discussion - I see lots of puzzles being downvoted#13

@Vempele What do you mean 'it doesn't need to calculate further'? The whole evaluation is based on its ability to correctly determine future changes based on current positions, but that only means cer…

General Chess Discussion - I see lots of puzzles being downvoted#5 One of the puzzles I tend to complain about. In order to succeed you need to find that fxe5 winning a piece because of Nxd5 followed by cxd5. Here's where the puzzle…

General Chess Discussion - I see lots of puzzles being downvoted#3

I downvote quite a few puzzles because the algorithm to pick them is very weak compared to other sites. A lot of them require you to learn how to understand Lichess' mechanics more than they require y…

Game analysis - Can you figure out what i did wrong here?#2

The sacrifice felt extremely weird positional-wise. What you get after the dust has settled is an open h-file and huge weakness on white's kingside, but white hasn't even castled at the point of your …
