
Search "user:PiR43"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?#14

@bichopebitou j'ai pas eu le temps de mettre au propre le code mais une première version est disponible ici

Lichess Feedback - Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?#9

Hello Timikofski. Why not but i think it is not allowed. And there ils a risk anti cheater systeme detect something ans block my account.

Lichess Feedback - Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?#8

Je suis parti d un vieux jeu d échec électronique qui marchait plus (je ne suis pas chez moi et j'arrive pas a retrouver le modèle). J ai garder les leds et la détection de pression sur les cases (ça …

Lichess Feedback - Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?#5

You choose "bot" or "connected board" at account creation time. Or at least allow use the bot/private api with standard account for classical game duration. Because the only reason for that bot api is…

Lichess Feedback - Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?#3

Yes I can understand that. So the actual status is: if you want use a physical board you must use a bot account. If you use a boat account it is hard to find real player for playing. So it is hard to …

Lichess Feedback - Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?#1

Hello, I'm developing my own connected chess board (similar to a DGT one). I have understand that I need a bot accound and can't use my personal account for that. But I like use it for play under real…
