
Search "user:Pawn2Rook4"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How long is it possible until you get banned for aborting too many games#7

I posted this a few days ago.... Apparently it's a fake rule and not ever enforced, because........oh wait, I still don't know…

General Chess Discussion - Curious about a rule....#4

@RubySeaTurtle It's extreme to enforce a rule.....that you CLAIM is a rule??? Why even bother pretending it's a rule? Just like letting time run down, it gives you a warning but it's nonsense....also …

General Chess Discussion - Curious about a rule....#1

Or actually maybe it is NOT a seems like it is only a threat. Why does lichess not ban players who carry a 60% game completion rate?? (I'm sure their are players even lower than that, but t…

General Chess Discussion - Which opening is best, Ruy Lopez, French Defense, or Sicilian Defense?#8

@Checker99 Oh the French scores well, it's solid. I just find it VERY VERY boring. It is a battle tested opening. My gripe with it is more the boredom of it. You do you though, if you are like, enjoy …

General Chess Discussion - Cheating Player, cost me 2 points should have been given 4 points.#8

Did you create a forum thread and contact admin about ONE rating point??? This is what "participation trophies" did to the world. Nobody can accept ANYTHING in life being the LEAST bit unfair. I hope …

General Chess Discussion - Which opening is best, Ruy Lopez, French Defense, or Sicilian Defense?#6

Hmmm out of the choices for white I'd gooooo with.....the Ruy Lopez?!?! (You only gave 1 option for white, so maaaaybe the one you chose?!) Although I think the Italian is more fun. It leads to far mo…
