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24 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - How much is lichess worth?#13

I agree with Thibault. This website should never be sold because it's not about money. I haven't seen any other chess website which does have such a clean UI like this one.

Lichess Feedback - Ideas for improving lichess#3

These sound fun. I would definetely start playing rated games too just to get those badges and play in tournaments for status. Also there is something which bothers me. Sometimes when I play I like to…

Game analysis - Beautiful 1+0 game :-)#2

It's ugly in my opinion. Your opponent obviously made some reckless moves, there's no beauty in defeating somebody weaker than you.

General Chess Discussion - Two rooks or queen?#24

I agree with Roper. It depends on the position and it needs to be studied. I prefer Queens because i see them more flexible than rooks though. Especially when my king has a shelter.

General Chess Discussion - Two rooks or queen?#5

it depends. With the queen you almost every time have the option to force a draw. with rooks it's harder and they always have to be connected. With a queen you sure are more annoying than two rooks.

Off-Topic Discussion - I would like to hear some of the trash talk#2

i don't know why you have to call somebody an asshole if he is a better chess player than you.

Lichess Feedback - Social sharing#4

Yea this is needed. It would help making lichess a popular website.

Lichess Feedback - A nice option#2

I never found that distracting but yea, usually you can disable that function if you don't want it in other websites.