
Search "user:Nisshoki"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - zen mode#2

In zen mode you do not see the name or the rating of the person you are playing. You can toggle it in Preferences | Game Display.

General Chess Discussion - clock issues new system#2

Games run on the server. When you get disconnected from the server, the game continues. If it is your move during the disconnect, your clock will count down until you reconnect, rejoin the game and ma…

Lichess Feedback - V2 issue: Board geometry setting lost between login sessions#3

I’m using Firefox 66 on W10. I’m sure it will be addressed eventually. It is annoying, but hardly a show stopper that requires immediate attention. In the meantime, I don’t log out.

Lichess Feedback - V2 issue: Board geometry setting lost between login sessions#1

When I log out and back into lichess, my board geometry setting is lost.

Lichess Feedback - back to old lichess#3

Have you tried using "board geometry" to adjust your board size? Click on username, then click "board geometry", then use the slider to adjust the board size.

Lichess Feedback - NO PIECES ON THE BOARD#2

You most likely need to update or change your browser. See the V2 announcement for info on browser support.

Lichess Feedback - Pieces are vanished#3

Windows 10 is an OS, not a browser. What browser (e.g., Edge, Firefox, Chrome) and version are you using? Firefox and Chrome are both recommended over Edge. Refer to the V2 announcement.

Lichess Feedback - search forums#2

Open the Forum (Community / Forum) and enter your search criteria in the text box at the top right.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess elephantiasis version#3

Use board geometry to adjust the board size. With a board open, click on your username, then click "board geometry", then move the slider to adjust the board size.

Lichess Feedback - board changes back each login#4

Yep, this is definitely a problem. Board geometry is not being saved across sessions.
