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2558 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Off Topic threads are getting boring#22

@clousems said in #19: > You're saying that a Walrus vs Elephant would be boring? I feel maybe the Elephant will take him to Tusk, over that fight. :).

Off-Topic Discussion - Also my Lichess friends!!#7

@SimonBirch said in #6: > it made me laugh as a mental health sufferer ,I've actually been in one of these meetings , hilarious xxx I reckon it's refreshing to see people have a joke about things, rat…

Off-Topic Discussion - Off Topic threads are getting boring#16

Mind you, sometimes interesting Threads are made but they often don't receive the attention they deserve, then someone posts a Thread about a Walrus vs an Elephant fight and who would win, and they re…

Off-Topic Discussion - Also my Lichess friends!!#5

@SimonBirch said in #4: > Did you find it funny ? Lol It was a fresh idea for a joke, I thought it was amusing. :).

Off-Topic Discussion - Also my Lichess friends!!#3

Yepp, it worked.

Off-Topic Discussion - if you lost -10 seconds of your life#14

I would have learned the hard way, that time is not always constant, a lesson learned painfully in... "The Twilight Zone. " :).

Off-Topic Discussion - Anyone Have a Challenge?#10

Challenge Try to get a prescription issue sorted out at my local Dr's surgery these days, We are talking about a seriously difficult challenge here my friend, I just about managed it myself and am now…

Off-Topic Discussion - Help! I Need Advice#7

Stop calling up the Chicks for no reason, let them call you. :). lolJK

Off-Topic Discussion - Mentally taxing, tedious, exhausting...#8

I just received a text from my local pharmacy telling me that my prescription is ready to collect right now! So one kicks up a fuss, and things happen, that could have happened anyway without the fuss…

Off-Topic Discussion - What's your favorite dictator?#47

@CSKA_Moscou said in #46: > I don't know if we can call her a despot, she has a strong sense of responsibility but she is not evil (she's evil only with Aliens) and she is concerned about the fate of …
