
Search "user:MrAverage"

109 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Trophy requirements#4

@MiruUhs I'm pretty sure you get it immediately. Good luck!

General Chess Discussion - Trophy requirements#2

@MiruUhs You have to be at least top 100 in any chess time control/ variant. Also, you can earn one from a specific tournament such as the shield arena or marathon event.

General Chess Discussion - coach for beginner#2

@bruce_wayne1 At your level, it is very easy to improve on your own. I would not recommend a coach unless you feel you are not improving.

General Chess Discussion - "Serious" Black Repertoire in GM Games#2

@mheadley No of course it's not bad. Stockfish actually recommends the French against e4 and it is played at the GM level all the time (on the lichess master database it is the third most popular resp…

General Chess Discussion - how to stop blundering pieces in blitz#5

Play longer time controls to improve your blitz rating

General Chess Discussion - Summer improvement #1

Over my years of playing, I've seen, and used, tons of incredibly helpful resources for improving chess from the beginning level to expert level. But what's the next step? Since school is out for me, …

General Chess Discussion - What is the point of playing bullet games?!#3

My intuition has improved significantly because of bullet chess. Bullet activates a new part of your brain. Calculation is not everything in chess.

General Chess Discussion - My game? Need some help. #2

@Necromania Rb1 was definitely your biggest mistake because you lost an exchange. Before that though, I would argue that black was better positionally because his knight had great outpost and your b p…

General Chess Discussion - How can we have a trophie ?#9

@MrAverage top 100 ranked. Just play games and improve. You'll get there. If Thibault just hands out trophies, they would loose their value.

General Chess Discussion - How can we have a trophie ?#5

@Roilegendaire Yes, if you reach top 100 at the least. At the moment, you have a long way to go.
