
Search "user:Moha369"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Confused, gained so many followers in 1 day#20

I just noticed 64 people following me, probably 4545 league where i made a lot of dear friends there.

Lichess Feedback - Censor and Search#4

There are many ways to communicate on those things one of them is Social Media, but lichess is for fun generally and chess specifically, politics is not good nor fun and result in hate and you got not…

Lichess Feedback - Question#5

Better to ask (Why there is no bughouse on lichess) instead of saying (right-click, inspect, copy all the code, and put it into lichess with a few modifications?), because what you will copy is the di…

General Chess Discussion - The best team in Team Battles is created!#3

just apply, i applied, and he will not decline (most likely)...

General Chess Discussion - Epic battle ,KATG Vs IM Lovlas and the rest of lichess teams .#6

Tean Battles, hmmmmm ... anyone can create a team battle 🤔 ?

[You can't access this team forum post]
General Chess Discussion - The ANTI-ANTI-CHESS#14

@pendru Hmmmm, right, i should read the whole topic next time.

General Chess Discussion - The ANTI-ANTI-CHESS#12

You won ? You lost the game !! :o

Lichess Feedback - Facing 500 Error (timeout) when accessing a page#1

Hello, i keep trying to open but everytime i try to reload the page i face a *Internal Server Error* or facing the timeout page, just that page. …

Lichess Feedback - Let guests challenge bots to unrated matches#2

You can play the bot anonymously by using the (Play With Friend) button, Copy the link, Send it to your frienda although that link just work for one game The good thing is, send the link, and they can…
