
Search "user:MiniGD"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Banned from lobby games after a single abort?#6

@Checkers-Network I think its a great improvement. Also in chess, move order is important, so you can think that way, it was a lesson for you. :) However I used to abort games also, but only when some…

Lichess Feedback - Banned from lobby games after a single abort?#4

"searched for another game" "wanted to play someone a little higher rated" someone can set the rating range, someone can be lazy :)

Lichess Feedback - 3-fold repetition draw option should persist until the initiating player's next turn#3

@SlurpMcGurk There is a useful settings, which I use myself too. Here, the 5th setting is: Claim draw on threefold repetition automatically Nev…

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez#10

@Rise , @Sarg0n , thx, this is new to me, now i understand QN-K2, but Sargon answered with an example of KN-K2 and still, cant find what means GN.

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez#8

@Sarg0n I see you figured out what these means, pls share this information. :) Qn-k2 (???) GN-k7 (???)

General Chess Discussion - How to recover banned account on lichess#12

I didnt read that topic. I think the move times tells it all besides the other parts, that he cheated for sure. Every other games he played the move times are so different, here not. Every move took e…

General Chess Discussion - How to recover banned account on lichess#10

!! ""Somebody banned my account for cheating"" It wasn't somebody, it was lichess moderators. "", but I didn't do it And I am banned."" Yes you did, I'm glad they work so well. ""How to recover This a…

Lichess Feedback - Please do not display the material balance state of the game#5

Yes I read the post. Shoulda wouldaa bla bla is different then real things. Millions reasons pro and con. Not everyone is/or want to become a chess professional. (and yes, obviously your opinion is th…

Lichess Feedback - Please do not display the material balance state of the game#2

You should check the possibilities in preferences, like many other thing, you can change this too.: Here it is the second pick.: "Material diffe…

Lichess Feedback - Takeback propositions#2

Hi! 3rd pick -> "Takebacks (with opponent approval)" "Never / Always / In casual games only" You can pick your favourite. Also, you can read a …
